Breast cancer detection is critical - about one woman in every eight will develop breast cancer during her lifetime.
We have never before been in such a powerful position for early breast cancer detection and fighting the disease. In the
past decade, there has been an explosion of breast cancer detection tools aiding in diagnosing and treating breast cancer.
We want all patients to make themselves aware of their breast cancer detection options.
3D Digital Mammography
3D mammography, also known as breast Tomosynthesis exams, is very similar to traditional 2-dimensional digital
mammogram and requires similar compression and positioning of the breast. During the 3D mammogram exam, a series
of image “slices” are taken through the breast providing the ability to review each volume of the breast, slice by slice.
3D mammography is a promising new breast cancer detection technology, only quite recently approved by the FDA. SMIL
was actively involved in some of the early research and was one of the first radiology groups in the nation to introduce this
latest advance in breast cancer detection. It is hoped that 3D mammography will ultimately provide higher breast cancer
detection and fewer callbacks although national guidelines are not yet established. Learn more about 3D mammograms.
Breast MRI
In conjunction with mammography, breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is utilized for patients at high-risk for breast
cancer (strong family history or known BRCA gene carrier). In fact, breast MRI has been proven to reduce mortality (death
rates from breast cancer) in these patients.
Breast MRI is also used as a staging test for patients with newly diagnosed cancer. If a patient has more than a 20
percent lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, the American Cancer Society recommended annual MRI in addition to
MRI provides both anatomic and physiologic information about the breast. It cannot only show masses like a
mammogram, it can also show difference in physiologic activity and differences in blood flow from the breast.
Breast MRI is more sensitive than mammography or ultrasound, allowing Radiologists to detect breast cancer
earlier. It also allows doctors to accurately stage the true extent of disease in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.
This is important, since 5 to 20 percent of breast cancer patients will have more than one focus of disease in their breasts
at the time of initial diagnosis. Detecting the full extent of disease is critical to achieving a cure, the ultimate goal. Learn
more about breast MRI.
Breast Biopsies
In many cases, it is not possible to tell from breast imaging studies alone whether a lesion is benign or malignant. It is
sometimes necessary to also obtain a tissue sample for breast cancer detection.
Rather than a patient having to undergo surgery, breast imaging Radiologists can now perform a variety of minimally
invasive biopsies, which have become one of the most significant advances in diagnosing breast tumors to date. These
breast cancer detection biopsy procedures generally involve only a tiny incision – just large enough to insert a needle.
They are performed in an outpatient setting, providing the patient an accurate and quickest possible breast diagnosis.
Learn more about breast biopsy.
Breast Nurse Navigators
One of the newest services available to patients is the breast navigator program. This program exists to support, educate
and empower individuals throughout their breast care journey – from breast cancer detection to treatment. The service
benefits not only the patient facing newly diagnosed breast cancer but also those facing the prospect of further breast
cancer detection testing.
As many breast cancer patients will attest, once a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, her world is often turned
upside down and can become a scary, emotional and confusing time. This is where the Breast Nurse Navigators step in to
fulfill this vital role in the breast cancer diagnosis and treatment process.
These uniquely certified nurses help breast cancer patients navigate through the myriad of clinical appointments, breast
cancer imaging studies and the often-overwhelming complex array of options and technologies that are presented to
It is important to patients to understand their specific diagnosis and what the next steps are in the staging and treatment
process, so they can make the appropriate decisions for their own health. Additionally, research has shown that patients’
anxiety levels are substantially decreased when they better understand the process, feel supported and have an advocate
who cares and understands. Learn more about our breast screening nurse navigator program.